Domain authority rank Domain authority is not as cut and dry as Google PageRank or Alexa rank. In-fact, we cannot be sure how much of an effect domain authority actually has on a website. This is because a website with a high domain authority may still be quite search engine unfriendly. So, what is domain authority, and how can you check it and improve it?
What Is Domain Authority?
It is a metric that is made up by a bunch of other metrics that have been merged. The main two are domain age and domain popularity. As you may know, domain age is a great boost for your SEO. The older a domain is, then the more likely it is to rise up through the search engine results pages.
However, Google stipulate that this only counts if the website is updated routinely, which appears to be a factor that domain authority rank does not factor in very much.
A domains popularity may be judged by how many visitors it gets every day. However, even though these are the two most important metrics, they are not the only metrics that make up a domain authority rank. There is also the question of the number of linking websites, social media markers, root domains, etc.
What Is A Domain Authority Rank Supposed To Represent?
The metric domain authority rank was thought up as a way of measuring and testing how much a website may be trusted and how high quality it is. Sadly, just like all programmed ranking software, it is fundamentally flawed because it lacks a human element. No computer generated metric is going to be able to tell you what is high quality and what is low quality. It needs a human eye and human opinion to tell you that.
How can a rank tell you if what you read on a blog is true or not? Or, if what you read on a blog is not just a well spun section of a book? Programs and metrics such as domain authority are good little indicators, and they take an educated guess, but they are never going to be able to accurately predict if a website or blog is useful or high quality or not.
There are different tools to check your domain authority with You can try the Open Site Explorer. This is an online tools that shows you thinks such as Domain Authority, Inbound Links, Page Authority, Top Pages, and your Linking Domains. You can compare what you read with the site data from other websites (up to five).
There is the Robin Gupta Online Tool. This is a tool that allows you to check for website authority in bulk. You can also bulk check things such
Google Rank or
Alexa Rank too.
Moonsy Tool is another online tool you can use the check your domain authority.
Improve Your Domain Authority
Try To Affect Three Factors If You Want To Improve Your Domain Authority. Here are the three factors that are ultimately going to affect your domain authority rank.
1. Domain age
Keep the same domain and make sure it is routinely updated and your domain age will start to count towards your domain authority.
2. Domain popularity
How frequently your website is commented upon, and how frequently it is visited is going to affect your domain authority. Increasing the popularity of your website or blog is going to affect your domain authority because the metric assumes that highly visited sites are the most useful. This works with the reasoning of, why would so many people visit if it was useless. This is a valid but rather short sighted view to take.
3. Domain size
For some reason, if you have more pages then you are more likely to be an authority domain. This make a half-logical sense in that one would expect a website to be an authority if it were full of information about a certain topic (the topic it was an authority on).
But, it seems to leave out the fact that the information on some subjects can fill a library full of books, and the information on other topics would struggle to fill a brochure. Plus, this factor does not take the quality of the information on the site into account. After all, 100 pages of nonsense is easy to write.