When I first discovered the earning online industry in 2005, I was really impressed by the ability to receive an income of 500$/month without even getting out of my room. I spent three years searching, reading and discovering every aspect of this multi-million dollars industry. I tried to make use of every website and tool that offers earning opportunities. Unfortunately, after a short period of time, I realized that I've wasted a lot of time without earning a single dollar.
There were multiple reasons for this fail, but the main reason is that I was not well organized and I have not tried to check the reliability of the websites before getting in. Despite this fail, I'm really happy because the best source to learn from is our faults.
After four years of experience in the field, I would say that I know some best profitable corner of the Internet and I also know very well every fake online business that will only waste your time and in some cases, steal your money.

Talking about time, I would like to tell you a golden tip about the online money making industry:
"Time is money ! " . Yes, simple, Right!
In fact, when searching for online earning opportunities, you will find people and bloggers that encourage you to subscribe to websites that pay you when you click the ads they list, and they will tell you that you can earn an unlimited amount of money if you keep clicking.
Well, I'm telling you this story because I've experienced it years ago. Theoretically, you can earn as much as you click but how much?? . OK, for every click you will earn an amount of 0.0001$ (in some cases the number is worse than this!). That means, to earn one dollar you need to click 10000 clicks, that is 104! Besides this, ads are not always available on the website, in some cases you need to wait for hours to click an ad.
Let's say that the average time for a click is 1 minute. You need 10000 minutes to earn one dollar, it is 2,7 days!
Almost 3 days without a break. Is this a lucrative business?? Certainly no! In addition to this horrible situation, a lot of websites shows only a JavaScript counter that seems to be a money counter and can be turned to zero whenever they want. You know what I mean, so be careful !
Unfortunately, nowadays, these websites are spreading everywhere on the Internet, and so many beginners fall into the trap.
On the other hand, if you seek to earn overnight then let me tell you that things don't work in this way online; all of the giant businesses you're using everyday : Google, Facebook, ...etc took years of planning and hard work to grow. Thus, if you want to succeed in this industry, you need to work very hard and to be passion.
A reliable website always keeps clear the way how it earns #money
Exactly, no one is going to give you a service for free, if it seems he does, then be careful, there is a high probability that he's a scam!
I remember a few years ago there was a website called "
Wazzub", when you enter to it, you will find only a registration form and a sentence that says that the website will be launched soon and everyone who register to it before the opening day he will earn a monthly salary of 380$ forever !
Well, I know you are laughing now because it seems like a joke. However, this website got millions of registered users! And all forums and blogs were talking about it at that time. So, what happened? After gathering a huge Email database, "
Wazzub" simply disappeared.
This is another sad story about how earning online is surrounded by dangers, you need to be aware of these black aspects of this business.
Best ways Earn money online
If you are a beginner, seeking a considerable amount of money online then you are in the right place, I've gathered the list of the most reliable and profitable ways to earn online. Remember that the list is not arranged based on relevance or something else.
Choose the right provider that fit to your skills and desires. Every service is described perfectly so even a new Internet user could understand. Follow my advises and take notes about this list, you will surely be happy at the end of this post.
#1) Affiliate marketing - Earn Money online
Everyone is talking about affiliate marketing these days, this is a very lucrative business, you may find some bloggers talking about Millions of dollars of profit, and yes its true !
Affiliate marketing is simply when someone wants to sell his own product but he cant do the marketing himself, this is your role, for every item sold, you take a commission.
Many websites offer this service, but as for every business, there are a lot spammers and fake companies. In my opinion, the solution is extremely easy, forget about the other services and focus only on Clickbank, Its, no doubt, the worlds leader affiliate marketing solution.
Amazon Affiliates is also widely used Affiliate. However, Clickbank has lots of advantages over Amazon's service.
The first fact to know about Clickbank, is that only digital products are being sold:
Ebooks, software, guides etc. This is a very great advantage to you, simply because digital products can be sold for unlimited times and yes your earnings would not stop if you are a skilled marketer.
The second fact is that as an affiliate marketer, you are not required to pay any dollar to use the service, its fully free ! But
how Clickbank makes money? Well, the seller, when he registers his product, must pay an amount of money. Also, Clickbank takes a commission for every sale you make (of course).
The third fact; Clickbank is very easy to use, just search for the product you want to promote, copy the hoplink: its a special link to the products landing page but its unique and linked to your Clickbank account, finally try to convince buyers to enter this link and purchase the product through it. Every sale made, the money is versed directly to your Clickbank account, then you can withdraw it using your favorite payment method (credit card, bank account, )
The other good news is that commissions are relatively high, sometimes 70% of the original price. For instance, if you succeed to promote a software that costs originally 20$, you will earn 14$ for every sale. Obviously, sellers will always try to define a high commission for you for the simple reason that a product with high earning percentage will attract more promoters and thus more sales.
#2) Write and sell eBooks - Earn Money online
Lots of people prefer eBooks over regular books. Actually, it's much simpler to purchase an eBook and start reading it in few seconds than waiting for a book to be shipped and in some cases and countries, shipping is not an easy process.
Additionally, writing eBooks is easier than you think; using MS Word you can start your project. Just pick a good subject that people want to learn about and start writing.
You can sell your eBooks either in your website/blog or in one of the affiliate platforms including
Amazon Affiliates and
JvzooAs mentioned above,
Clickbank is not free for sellers. Luckily, you can use Jvzoo which is free, easy to use and most importantly; don't worry about marketing, hundreds of affiliate marketers will promote your eBook to earn a commission back.
#4) Freelancing to Earn Money online
Freelancing can be defined simply as working online at home. As an example, some freelancers earns 70$ / hour writing articles or developing Mobile apps.
Clearly, you cant be a freelancer if you don't have a skill. If you master a software (Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD ) or a programming language (C++, Java, ) you will certainly be hired as a freelancer.
If you only knows, for example, data entry or basic MS Excel usage then you still be able to work online, but the salary will be surely less than a graphic designer or a software developer.A lot of software engineers, journalists, translators and graphic designers are full time freelancers and they earn thousands of dollars every month.
The freelancing industry has grown considerably the recent years, As a result, several startups and companies across the world have created their own freelancing solutions. To be clear, the most reliable and widely used freelancing tools are
Upwork (formerly
oDesk and
Fiverr and
Also Read: How To Make Money Writing Online As A Freelancer?Honestly, for you as a beginner, I don't recommend Freelancer, getting a work out there isnt easy at all, besides its not fully free. On the other hand,
Upwork is free to use and only charge the employer. Upwork is a very fast growing community; hundreds of thousands of clients including popular companies use this service to grow their business.
I have two important remarks about freelancing;
the first one is that not everyone in the Internet could be a freelancer. Employers are always looking for high skilled contractors, so if you have a specific skill especially in IT, try to improve it.
The second is that, Most of the freelancing websites only allows a single account per freelancer, as a result when setting up an account, your details must be accurate and when you start working with an employer you must do your best to satisfy him because at the end of the contract, he will put a feedback on your profile. This feedback describes your performance and you cant change or remove it. A bad feedback will have horrible consequences when you apply for the next project.
#5) Stock trading
Want to be the next wolf of the wall street ?, Ok ,
Etoro is the perfect solution for you, with more than 4 million users, Etoro is the worlds largest social trading network, offering social features like following traders and copy-traders for copying most ranked traders activities. In addition, Etoro, provides a sophisticated dashboard to manage your trades.
Different payment methods are available to withdraw or to fund your account (Neteller, Payoneer, credit cards, wire transfer ). With Etoro, you can become rich as much as you can't imagine. But, be careful, you may also lose everything as much as you cant imagine !
#6) Sell domain names - Earn Money online
Do you know that some domain names worth more than 10000$ ?, For example, lets say that someone buys the domain name
www.iphone12.com for 12$/ year and put it for sale for 20000$, when apple will launch the iPhone 12 (
maybe in 2020) they will find it for sale, and of course, 20000$ is nothing for apple, they buy it. This is how this business works, If you think that a word will be very important in the future, then buy it for a low price and set your own price.
When it comes to domain names, Godaddy is really the king. Its an integrated workspace for selling and buying domain names as well as many other services including web hosting, web design, domain names analysis etc.
#7) Sell photos and illustrations - Earn Money online
If you are a photographer or an experienced graphic designer, let me tell you this fact: the Internet is a gold mine for you; Following, I will show you by example how to establish a fixed high monthly salary by selling your photos and graphic items online.
Indeed, we can divide online design marketplaces in two types:
illustrations marketplace and
photos stocks.
Illustrations are mainly Vector graphics; high resolution graphic items that can be resized to any size without losing the image resolution. The most commonly known vector formats are: .
SVG (can be manipulated by Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape), .
PSD (Adobe Photoshop and Gimp), .
Ai (Illustrator) and .
EPS (Illustrator and Photoshop).
These formats are widely used in creating mockups, business cards, logos, icons, game characters and assets, textures
Vector graphics can be created and manipulated using two principle categories of software:
Adobe Illustrator and
Photoshop (Commercial software) and
Gimp (Free).
Photos are those taken by your camera or Mobile phone camera. The resolution depends on the quality of the device.
For selling illustrations,
GraphicRiver is the number one in the market, professional designers and business owners often use
GraphicRiver to buy their graphic assets; I highly recommend this service, its free to use and has multiple payment methods including PayPal and Payoneer.
However, you should be aware that their review system is extremely strict. Only high quality illustrations are accepted. Trust me, if you design a unique, high quality item and it got accepted, you will certainly make huge revenue. Some designers earn more than 3000$ for a simple set of icon that don't take more 2 weeks to accomplish.
If you're an
iconographer (icon designer),
GraphicRiver is great for you, but there is an entire marketplace built for icons:
Iconfinder. For every icon purchased, you will earn 70% of the original price and the 30% goes to
Iconfinder. If your balance reaches 100$, you can request payment via PayPal or wire transfert. The price of a single icon ranges from 1 to 5$.
Thousands of clients and designers visit
Iconfinder every month, there is a great chance that your icons got purchased.
Another great marketplace for Vector graphics is
creativeMarket, its a relatively new service. Opening a shop (seller account) in creative Market isn't easy as for the previous websites, they will require you to submit your previous design works, and they accept only designers with great and professional portfolios.
Don't have great Illustrator/Photoshop skills? Don't worry, just buy a camera or use your smartphone if it has a great camera resolution. By taking unique, impressive photos, you can turn them easily to revenue.
shuttterstock and
istockphoto are the best places to start.
Dreamstime is easy to use and your photos have good chance to be accepted. On the other hand,
shutterstock needs to approve 10 of your best images at the first step of creating your account; this is not a good starting for you as a beginner, so I recommend starting with
Selling photos online is a lucrative business, but you have to know that in order to earn a good amount of money you need to submit a sufficient number of photos; experienced people confirm that at least 800 photos must be uploaded to your account in order to see considerable revenue.
#8) Create and sell video courses and tutorials
If you are skilled in a specific domain, create video tutorials about it, sell them, and make money. Very simple formula !
Udemy offers a great marketplace for selling video tutorials, they spend a lot on advertisements and marketing so your videos reaches seekers as much as they can. Another advantage of Udemy, is that tutorials can be about any subject (not only about the IT field); if you are skilled in making Japanese Origami, you can make a video series and earn a good amount from it.
You can also use YouTube to earn money through your videos.
Know : How Much Money Can you Make On YouTube?#9) Blogging to Earn Money online
A blog is a powerful marketing utility. Many affiliate marketers use their blogs to promote products.
Besides, a blog can itself generate good revenue through advertising platforms. I highly recommend
Google Adsense,
buysellads and
Infolinks, but before applying for them you need to build a great blog with original content. You also need to focus on SEO to correctly promote your blog and generate more traffic.
Learn about:Best free blog sites to create a blog onlineMoving With Latest SEO Trends and techniques 2017Many beginner bloggers focus on money before even building a fully working blog. This is a very common mistake. If you just forget the money and focus on the content quality and the satisfaction of your readers, you will automatically build a highly profitable blog. In general, a good blog is a must for every internet entrepreneur.
Conclusion - Earn Money online
Depending on your skills and desires, there are plenty of opportunities to earn money online. But, this is obviously a double edges sword; In fact, everyone can create and publish anything on the internet, as a result its common to find a whole fake business that looks like a successful company. Its extremely important to check the reliability of these websites.