Getting an audience for your blog is a job that is never done. From the time your blog is a concept in your head you are already thinking about what you want your readers to take away from your posts. Developing your posts around a certain niche ensures that you will always have readers in that niche.
There are times, however, where you feel as though you could have a larger readership. In order to build your readership and to truly engage your readers you need to have your hand on the pulse of your readers. Using strategic tactics, you can create content that will help you build your outreach and grow your audience.
This isn't an overnight success story, but by applying these tips to your blog content, you can create a sustained interest in your blog that will attract readers to see what you have to say. Lets a take a look at a few ways you can Increase your Blog Traffic in a way that doesn't hurt your SEO prospects or your page rank.
1) Target the Audience with Shareable Content
Content that is shareable is a major asset to your blog. By creating content that encourages sharing, you develop a feeling for what your audience wants. Psychologically, human beings enjoy feel-good stories far more than any other type, so focusing on creating content of this type is desirable. When you build your content, the next step is targeting it at your core audience.
For this, social media is irreplaceable as it provides a ready platform for sharing links that users find interesting. Creating shareable content gives you the chance to have your content go viral and increase your outreach immensely, but for that to happen, you have to strike a chord that resonates with not just your primary audience but with the fringe audiences that make up the fringes of your audience.
The best way to do this is to focus on the things that interest the heavy sharers in your social media circle. If you create content that appeals to them, they will share it and its more likely that others in their sphere of influence will share your content as well, increasing the outreach and possibly increasing blog traffic.
2) Find your Audiences Online Gatherings
One of the most logical ways of increasing blog traffic is to find the places where your niche audience gathers and invite them to come see your content from there. Obviously some communities have rules against simply plonking down links to your blog for their members to read, but if you ingrain yourself with the community and insert your links into discussions that are relevant, there's no limit to the amount of people you could possibly draw as long term readers.

The aim here is to retain long term readers and develop traffic that is continual. In order for a plan like this to work, your content quality must be above average and your posts should be done consistently. Places you can seek your audience range from online groups and forums to discussion boards and the comments sections of blogs and videos.
If you bring something worthwhile to the table in a discussion it is likely that the site owner or moderator may invite you to guest blog for them, giving you further leads to Increase your Blog Traffic.
3) Build your Blog using SEO to Increase your Blog Traffic
Although we have covered this topic before, it is worth a mention in something dealing with ways to Increase your Blog Traffic.
SEO allows your pages and entries to focus on a particular keyword by optimizing for that keyword. This means that the keyword is strategically placed throughout the post so as to make it easier for search indexing bots to classify your page as relating to this particular keyword.
The balance comes in making your post readable for humans as well as search indexing bots. Once youve managed to strike that happy balance, the search rank for that particular keyword is likely to increase, driving traffic through search engine results.
With an estimated 12 billion searches performed per month in the US, its not a wonder why getting your page ranked highly on a search engine will drive traffic to you. SEO is not spam, and you should avoid thinking about it in this sense. Well-done SEO adds to good writing and doesnt hobble it or make it any less effective.
4) Use Analytics Wisely
Analysis of incoming traffic allows you to determine where the majority of your users stem from. While you can be sure that there are sites sending traffic to your blog, being able to quantify where the largest volume comes from is priceless.
By figuring out where the majority of your traffic stems from, you can try to repeat the success with other pages within your blog. Usually combining analytics with proper SEO can help to Increase your Blog Traffic immensely.
Utilizing analytics is as simple as installing analytical plugins to your blog or utilizing Googles analytics software. Analytics allows you to pick the opportunities that would benefit you the most and building on them by focusing your efforts where they would have the highest return on investment.
5) Do your Keyword Research
We’ve mentioned SEO before. By having keyword research done before attempting to use that keyword in your posts makes for a much better rate of conversion from an SEO standpoint. Looking at the traffic statistics for your keyword you can find the lowest competition with the highest search volume and try writing on those. Building your posts around these low competition keywords can send your rank up and possibly drive traffic.
The reason you're aiming for those with a high volume of searches is because the larger amount of users for those searches translates to a larger potential pool of new readers to your site. If you're trying to Increase your Blog Traffic, this is the most logical and effective way to go about doing it through tried and tested SEO methods.
Developing a blog takes time and effort. However, you can throw all your effort into a blog and still have only a trickle of visitors. Using your resources wisely and targeting your audience effectively can increase traffic numbers exponentially as time goes by. This isn't something that bumps your numbers up overnight, and will requires some time to be fruitful.
Once it gets going it can be quite overwhelming. City Web Company deals with ensuring you have content that can attract and keep readers for your blog. Contact us about our packages for blog management today!