Everyone knows that colors are among the few elements that can alter your mood instantly. With bright lights you would be able to easily have a lively and sparkling mood and with dim ones you’re on the other side. Installation of LED bulbs provides you with a lot of benefits in this regard.
While going through LED bulbs it’s better to read some purchasing guide to get your hands on right led lighting which is equipped with great features. In addition to vibrant and bright lighting Syska LED bulbs provide users with great features with great energy savings.
Talking about the basic specs that you get with Syska LED, it gets lit while consuming a mere power of 7 watts and delivers an output of around 480 lumens with the brightest setting. Some Syska LED bulbs model work with 10 meter Bluetooth range.
Also Read: Biggest Myths about Led Lights Debunked
Features of SYSKA LED BULB
Here are some of the major reason why the demand of Syska Led bulbs are getting exponentially high-:
1) Colored lighting
Available in different colors Syska provides a bunch of LEDs within its primary color range. These colors are mixed intelligently with other colors for creating a rainbow colored theme. Syska promises about 3 million combinations of colors that sets brightness. However, you’ll get distinct looking 20 to 30 shades.
2) Lifespan
Without facing issues like breaking or burning filament, the best possible feature that you get by switching to LEDs is their longer life expectancy that ranges for more than 100,000 hours on an average. This is twice the lifespan of typical fluorescent bulbs and is twenty times longer when compared to incandescent bulbs.
3) Easy and safe for use
LED bulbs don’t pose any threat like burnt fingers while replacement. As a little heat of only 20% is released while consumption, Syska LED bulbs can operate well at low temperatures. Having LED bulbs also notably decreases the risk of catching fire as they consume low heat energy emissions. These are extremely durable, all due to their solid-state of construction; hence there aren’t any broken pieces of glass left.
4) Versatile uses
LED bulbs can easily serve many functions and purposes because of their wide variety of shapes and colors. LEDs are designed to replace almost any kind of bulb. Furthermore, due to their power-saving characteristics and size, these can also be applied in innovative areas. LED bulbs are commonly used in exit signs, flashlights, Christmas lights, remote control lights and many more!
5) Better solutions for different applications
Syska 7 watt bulbs are fine replacements for serving lighting requirements in homes/offices/malls/showrooms/spot lights/façade/flood lights/fountain lights/street lights and other areas such as in houses like garden lights, step light, wall washer, wall light, pool lights, etc.
6) Focused lighting
LED bulbs can be focused simply in different directions. These are focused and also emit light in certain directions. This directional light can be used efficiently in different applications.
LED lighting fixtures can be focused without using additional lenses and reflectors, meaning low cost and less hassles for same light beam.
7) Issues present with off/on cycling
CFL lifespan significantly gets reduced if the bulb frequently gets turned on or off. Generally, while testing on a 5-minute on/off cycle, the lifespan on a few cycles can get reduced to that of incandescent bulbs. People suggested that CFLs are left for mitigating these problems, but this can risk in losing energy savings. Alternatively, LEDs aren’t related much with issues faced while on/off cycling.
Being the best available solutions for energy savings in the market, LEDs are much better options for environment as they can easily reduce carbon footprints and don’t emit poisonous elements like mercury in water systems.
7W LED bulbs are the pioneer in providing efficiency and imperativeness and has proven worthy for offices and homes. With its minimalistic and sleek design Syska brings the best possible outcomes for your houses and offices.
| About the Guest Author:

The Author is a passionate writer and researcher about the industrial and consumer products such as Syska Led Bulbs. He often writes to share his insights with the users.