As you are aware of the fact that through the adiante applications you could easily have an application without even programming and at a lower cost. But how would you generate revenue from it. Mobile applications are generally considered to be one of the best ways of boosting up the customers loyalty improving the business processes. And in this article we would now be giving you a recipe that would help you extract the maximum of your automobile application.
The value added benefits:
Incorporating the value added benefits for applications would help you generate some good sales. Retail applications that use an reward program would here give you a leg up over the competition with clients. For example Starbucks uses this gaining advantage by offering points towards the rewards such as a downloading a free song, free apps and sometimes even free beverages. These are benefits that are exclusively for the app subscribers, motivating their clients and customers patronizing their businesses.
The loyalty Rewards:
Rewards are generally considered to be the time tested ways of increasing the repeat business from fans. By offering your clients and customers with a mobile loyalty program you could here offer the frequent shoppers without having to print up cards to worry about each and everything when it comes to tracking. Rest everything else is done and carried forward through the user’s mobile application devices. You could increase sales at a minimal extra effort.
Push Notifications:
Push notifications are something similar to what’s up like messages. These are generally considered to be one of the best ways you could use to communicate with your clients and customers in a much more effective manner. Say for example let’s say it’s Tuesday, and this is the day when you have lowest number of customers within the week. Now imagine that you were able to send what’s up message to all your clients and customers saying that you have a special offer, a deal, discount or an event related to your organization. You could achieve all this through a simple what’s up notification.
Social Referrals:
Your automobile application could here include a simple feature that would here allow your customers to post a link to your business to their social media profiles. This would here again allow the leverage users to find in more number of individuals who are interested in their products and services. Remember that for any business digital word of mouth is considered to be a persuasive and the app lets you maximize its use.
The GPS Coupons:
Users could here be invited to check in when you are at a specific location and unlock those coupons. This rewards the visitors to make it fun enough for the users to use your application increasing the sales at a great ease.
To conclude Remember the season is just starting
These are the five different ways of increasing sales during summer. So which one among the five mentioned tips turns out to be your favourite one? And which one would you implement first? The best part about the summer is that it’s been three months and you have plenty enough of time to try out ideas and measure results. So if you have any tips that are summer friendly and would help you increase sales then please do leave your comments below.
Sarah joy has worked for app development companies. She has passion for writing on business apps. She likes to write about new trends and topics about mobile apps like car dealer app , mobile apps for car dealers , auto dealer app and apps related to automobile industry.