Wordpress is providing bloggers the high quality performance in their blog but the drawback is it needs some money in your wallet. But don't worry if you don't have much money to use wordpress then you can use blogger too. It's easy to use and you can generate the same level of income as that of wordpress. The reason why I am saying you to switch your blog to wordpress, it gives you the freedom to do anything once you buy the theme and other necessary tools. It gives your reader the better experience which can make your reader stick to your blog. One benefit that makes it the best, is the results shown on google. Basically google shows the result according to the alexa ranking (Alexa is an American Company which rank the website on the basis of the quality of content and visitors and many other SEO-Search Engine Optimization tools) which makes a huge difference. Let assume the search result was found on the two website which have the same alexa rank but the main differnece is that one has been created on Wordpress and other on the Blogger, google will more prefer to Wordpress user first. And even there are many website which hold same alexa rank, but the alexa rank is not constant it keeps on changing according to the new and highly developed competition among the bloggers.
The advertisement sponsors like Google Adsense, PopCash, media.net, are providing bloggers to built income from them. The provide money for valid clicks on the advertisements and some of them even provide money for the view count of the advertisement.
But for the first time when your are in search of the first income then you might be finding the sponsor who just gives you money as soon as possible and also it might be safe to transact money, as you are providing your personal information to them. Then ok lets talk about some of them and their features which they provide and which is gonna to be better for you to get your first income as soon as possible.
Google Adsense - For google adsense, if you belong to the country like India, America, Pakistan, and mostly southern Asian part of the continent then you might be aware of google which is building it's vast empire in the internet marketing and you will trust on google adsense. For sure I also trust it but the drawback is it gives the payout at 100$, means if due to some invalid activity your adsense account got disabled then you may loose all your income stored and that's the big risk that must not be taken as being a beginner at blogging.
If we move towards the second option then you can use yahoo, that is somewhat better in the matter of invalid clicks but same problem it's payout is similar to that of blogger. If you think of media.net then it's also a good deal.
PopCash, is
the best alternative of google adsense and can be used at your blog, no risk of invalid clicks, only opening of popup advertisements can give you a lot of money if your daily visits are more than 500 views per day. And the best thing is it's payout which is remarkably to 10$. For Asian countries its well most, great cause if some how your account disabled then you have to loose not more than 10$.
Conclusion : Use better combination of advertisements whose payout is less but also pay at a good rate, like using media.net or yahoo ads with one of the popup advertisement like PopCash.
3# Use a Good Combination of Advertisement Sponsors
If you are using Google Adsense then probably you won't need any of the other advertisement sponsor, it might be somewhat risky to your blog as per the trust of google. Now if you aren't using adsense then select a combination of advertisements one which is shown on your blog and other the popup advertisement. The best combination is Media.net and Popcash.
4# Check Out Your SEO Analyser's Report
There are many methods to get your SEO to the best level. SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization, which is responsible for the page rank of the website on various search engines.
You can go through many websites which provides you the free SEO checker or analyzer. You can use
http://www.siteprice.org. for checking your success in term of your blog's price. However, you can use Google Analytics for every detailed report about your blog.
Visit this
website and follow the following steps -
- Enter the your website or blogs address in the big box and click on calculate.
- If the price was calculated earlier then it will show old result else it will start calculating.
- If it shows you old result then click on the refresh symbol placed at corner of the screenshot of your website.
- Just scroll down and you will find SEO Checker or SEO Analyzer. Click on every subject to view what's missing in your website and what are to be updated regularly.
5 # Get Your Blog's Domain Registered
This is one of the best way to get traffic easily because having a domain name rather than working on subdomain of any other domain for ex. working on
technogeekzone.blogspot.com is not a good idea as no one is going to visit to your blog by writing a big domain. Also if you are having your own domain then it means that you have paid for it and serious about your blog.Secondly, many social websites also don't like subdomains.
6# Adding Subdomains
Using subdomains in your blog is really a very good idea because sometimes we don't have money to purchase one other domains and we want to post some content other than proper niche of the blog then this is gonna help you in following ways:
- Let us suppose I am having a tech-related blog but want to publish some entertainment and media posts then using subdomain and adding those posts on some other part of the blog under the same main domain is much better than publishing those posts on tech-related blog.
- Having subdomains also gives users a richy look of the blog, an impression point for the user.
- It also helps getting more audience if you are publishing regularly.
- More audience = More views and Impression = More Earning.
7# Submitting Your Blog For SEO To Top Websites
However, It does not matter that Google will show your result on first page if your rank is better than others but a little bit SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help you completing this task for you.
Conclusion : Better Search Engine Optimization = Better Positions On Search Results.
8# Try To Boost Up Your Alexa Rank
Alexa rank does not matter a lot for you in case of your earning potential because there are many 1001 ways to make your Alexa rank go well in the chart but a real blogger does not uses any types of those methods to increase Alexa rank. Of course Alexa rank also matter a lot in comparing two adjacent blogs because it's stats are true stats based on interest,pageviews,unique views of users always a blog or website with large audience will sure have a better Alexa rank. For Attaining that good Alexa rank you must write unique content because "Content Is King".