Internet marketing is making people to earn millions of dollars for just few hours of work. All you have to do is create a blog or website and a few products which can attract your customers.
It seems so easy but it needs few hours of focused work and some patience. Becoming a millionaire is an easy task for now a day. There are many sectors on internet where you can easily earn hundreds of thousand dollars per year. There are bloggers who write informative and really very different articles which make them different from other writers. Basically bloggers earn their income from paid advertisements and email services. But it needs a lot of time to earn more in less time. Another option is create a product of your own but this also takes little time to release an impact on internet. Now I am gonna tell you the technique which you can use very effectively all you need is some of writing skills and some hours of time.
Things you will need
1-A blog or a website
2-Some writing skills
3-Some speaking skills
Now I am gonna tell you what i am taking about. There are basically five ways you can create large income from internet-
A blog in which you can write articles related to your products
A downloadable pdf book.
Audios for your posts.
Videos for your post and your book.
The last but not the least, your own seminars and live hangouts.
Here are the steps you can follow to get paid on a large scale
Step 1 : Create A Blog
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Start simply with a blog. Create a blog; give it a suitable name which attracts your user. Keep it as simple as you can. Creating a blog or website is most important part because your products will be appearing on your website. Design your blog and most important, check out your speed and other SEO options. You can find many more tips and tutorials of creating a blog on
Step 2: Research for your product
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So how you gonna guess that which product you can make which gonna rock on internet? Well you can visit best online shopping websites like Filpkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, and search in books and check best sellers or most popular pdfs/kindle. You can select in any category you may like it may be Self-Help, Novels, Educational, sports, health, it depends upon your passion. Now just check out some books and preview their contents. Though all books are protected but then too you can see some of the pages and Index/Context. From there you can have a clue that which things are popular among people. Create a bundle of your observations and check out what other and different things you can do to create a book more popular than what you have viewed on internet. I am strictly advising you not to copy any of the materials from the book, cause you are not allowed to do so. It is strictly prohibited. Even you cannot copy their index. So be aware of that.
Step 3 : Indexing
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Next thing you can do is just create index of you book and main chapters or topics you gonna include in that book. And start writing the book. But one thing I want to mention is that if you are writing books which are related to human or any living creatural activity then you must mention their every pin point dangers to do them anywhere at the end of the book or at the introduction part of the book so that you may not face any difficulties during this process.
Step 4 : Little Bit More Effort
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Create two or three more books likely to the previous one. Now select any one book which you want to keep free for every user, but remember that must be attractive for you user to buy more books. And for others you may sell them on as a kindle book. Or you may use or or any other payperdownloads service. But the main problem with these services is that these services will show ads before going to the download page and user may asked to complete the surveys, but they are available to anyone for free just they have to complete some of the surveys. Where as on, user has to pay for the book.
Now you might be confused which one to choose but I have a different idea. You can bifurcate your users into two groups. You have already created three books out of one which may be available to user for free, you are now left with two books, choose one book for and other for payperdownloads. And do not mention some special offers on them which you are giving for free. Set a date until it is free. Be as specific as you can.
Step 5: How Your Post Must Be?
Now decide attractive posts that are related to your product that you are going to write on the blog or on the website. Write at least 10 to 20 posts.
Step 6: Audio Books
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Start creating audio books for your books. You don’t need to be very much professional. The entire thing you can do is just keep yourself simple and behave according to the category your book belongs. Like if you are writing a short story then you might speak in narrative way, and if you are writing a self help book then you must behave as if you are a teacher or the motivational speaker.
Step 7: Video Posting
The more tough part of this process is to create videos for your posts. There you need a camera and a microphone so that you may continue but don’t worry if you don’t have those then too you can create attractive videos which can promote your books. You can create animation or pictorial video. You firstly have to record your own voice and then edit it with movie creating or video editing software. You just have to select some relevant pictures suitable for your video and then combine it with audio. Some video editing software that can help you are Windows Movie Maker, Picasa, AVS video converter and editor, total video convertor.
Step 8: The Time Management
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Now I am gonna tell you the exact process you have to proceed. You have to create your own products and then after you have to create your blog. Write some posts for your products and then promote it every where on your blog. Don’t forget to mention fake offers which attract your customers. And you can also apply for google adsense on your blog, but for that you need some qualifications which you can view on their website.
If you are writing post for self-help or somewhat related to teaching you can apply for free online seminars on google hangout. Now you have created streams of income source by which you can have more income.
Basically if you give this six to seven hours a day then it may be possible that you an get upto the biggest height in just two or three months. It needs some patience and some dedicated time at the starting of your business.
For more information of creating a blog and how to manage posts and hundreds of problems related to blogging then visit to .
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