In this article, I will try to compile a complete list of procedures, tricks and ways to get rid of slowness of PC. It’s not a matter whether you are having old computer or the latest high end configured computer. These tips will help you to make your computer run faster and improve system performance.

improve system performance
You can try below simple ways to improve system performance.
- Keep your computers updated with Windows updates and Fixes.
- Key reason that why PC’s are slow is because of spyware.
- Remove unwanted pre-installed software to improve system performance.
- Stop / Disable unnecessary Windows services, settings, and programs that slow down your computer.
- Clean out the Windows prefetch folder to expand performance.
- Force Windows to unload DLLs from memory to free up RAM to be faster.
- Move or change the location of your My Documents folder so that it is on a separate partition or hard drive.
- Turn off default disk performance monitors to improve system performance.
- Speed up boot time by disabling unused ports on your Windows PC.
- Make icons appear faster while browsing in My Computer by disabling search for network files and printers.
- Reduce the number of fonts that your computer has to load up during startup.
- Turn off system restore only if you regularly backup your Windows machine using third party software.
- Make of a Use the Windows Performance Toolkit and the trace logs to speed up Windows boot time.
- Remove unwanted or old programs from the Add/Remove dialog of the Control Panel.
- Remove extra toolbars from your Windows taskbar and from your Internet browser.
- Temporary files, cookies and full recycle bin will always cause less disk space.
- Analyze your startup programs, most of them are useless and can be turned off.
- Some Applications that require a lot of system resources need to analyze.
- Defragment your computer hard disk once in a month.
- The size of the paging file is controlled by Windows, which can cause defragmentation. Also, the paging file should be on a different hard drive or partition than the boot partition.
- Clean your registry by removing broken shortcuts, missing shared DLLs, invalid paths, invalid installer references and so on. This will help to improve system performance.
- Running multiple applications simultaneously cause slow performance.
- Luxury graphic features will affect system performance, Adjust visual effects accordingly.
- Overheating due to intensive graphic applications / dust in outlets.
- Running multiple anti-virus software will cause system slowness.

I hope these procedures will help you to keep your PC to run faster and improve system performance.